Why I Relay – By: Becky King

The summer I was 11 years old, my Daddy was  dying with colon cancer.  He was diagnosed the first of the year in  1963.  In those days we didn’t know enough about cancer and how to treat  it.  He passed away August 19 that year at the age of 39, and Mom was left  with four kids.  How unfair that was to all of us. That is the first  reason I wanted to relay.  Research has advanced so much. If my Daddy had  cancer now, he probably would have been cured. His death was devastating to all  of us. I don’t want another child to lose either of their parents or  relatives.

Why I Relay – by Tara Hargrove

When my oldest daughter Carrie was born my Nanny was right there with me to welcome her first great grandchild into the world. When Carrie graduated from high school and went off to college I always knew Follow us to a world with more Birthdaysthat my Nanny would be right there with me to send her first great grandchild out into the world. But she wasn’t. It was almost one year earlier when I had gotten the call from my mother saying time was running out and I had better take my kids and go see my Nanny. She lost her battle with cancer 12 hours later. I never thought I would lose her so soon. There were still so many things I thought she would be there for, birthday parties, graduations, and holidays. I relay for grandmother Earline “Nanny” Crouch.